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People Purpose Passion
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Passion flower
Worms session 30th Sept 2023.JPG

After school club

Tuesday 2nd July 4pm-6pm

Join us in the garden to harvest the rest of the cherries, plant seeds for salads and checking our weather recordings. We’ll also be surveying the wildlife in the garden and after some food we’ll have a story about flowers.

Growing Together summer evening session

Tuesday 2nd July 6pm-8pm

Join us to learn about a permaculture approach to growing in small city spaces: we will be planting autumn salad seeds and feeding the plants with plant teas.

Join us at the London Permaculture Festival

Sunday 7th July 11am-6pm

We will be having a stall at the London Permaculture Festival at Cecil Sharp House, Camden, on Sunday 7th July, 11am-6pm. If you are able to help out on the stall please contact us on (you’ll get a free ticket).

If you would like to attend the festival tickets cost £20 / £10 concs and U18s are free. You can find out more information here:

Sophie at the London Permaculture Festival last year, making felt balls on the stall

After school club

Tuesday 16th July 4pm-6pm

This session will be all about seeds. We will be planting seeds and collecting seeds to grow next year. After some food there will be a story written for the garden by Harriet Hall.

Growing Together summer evening session

Tuesday 16th July 6pm-8pm

Join us to learn about a permaculture approach to growing in small city spaces: we will be collecting seeds and planting more seeds. You’ll be able to learn about successional growing and harvesting.

Children’s Education

Free children’s outdoor growing, cooking and craft education

We include children's activities at the gardening clubs. Recent children's activities include:

Making felt bowls, making pancakes, making pizza, drawing, learning about carrots. 

This video was produced by Capital Growth. It records the contributions of different community gardens during the Covid crisis. Jazz Browne, CEO of Nubian Life is interviewed about the work at the Josiah Braithwaite Community Garden.

Ecological wildlife-friendly garden

Welcome to our Josiah Braithwaite Community Garden. The garden provides a diverse range of edible plants with plenty of benefits for wildlife.

The Josiah Braithwaite Community Garden was established as a collaboration between Nubian Life, Permablitz London and Living Medicine.


The garden has a permaculture design and was installed by Permablitz London and filmed by BBC Gardeners’ World and broadcast in June 2018. The garden is one of Permablitz London’s showcase gardens.

Find us at 50 Ellerslie Road, London W12 7BW.

JBCG Join Our Mailing

We send out a monthly newsletter that will keep you informed about our activities. If you would like to receive it please subscribe to our mailing list.

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Nubian Life - People Purpose Passion

Nubian Life Resource Centre is a registered charity and company limited by guarantee.

Registered Charity: 1059460 Registered Company: 03227383

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