Growing Together Seeds Available
Here are the details of the seeds available for you to choose from:
​You can choose between climbing (French and Runner) and dwarf beans. Climbing beans need a trellis or bamboo wigwam to climb because they grow to 6-8ft. Dwarf beans grow to 1-2ft and are much easier to grow in pots. They obviously don’t produce so many beans but the beans still taste really good!
Plant the seeds indoors/in a greenhouse in April or outdoors in May for a crop from July/August onwards.

Climbing French bean which produces good dried beans for soups through the winter.
Climbing French bean with purple pods. Delicious fresh, they turn greener when cooked.
A runner bean with red flowers and plentiful beans also very good to eat fresh.

Carrots can be planted between February and July. They ideally need a well drained friable soil.
Space needed: for a row of carrots you’ll need a width of 30cm. Best in deep containers.